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Orphan Products Development

“The FDA’s Office of Orphan Products Development granted TrioxBio Inc. its orphan-drug designation request of S-ethylisothiouroniumdiethylphosphate (MTR-107) for treatment of chronic or recurrent symptomatic intradialytic


S-ethylisothiouronium diethylphosphate

“The FDA’s Office of Orphan Products Development granted TrioxBio Inc. its orphan-drug designation request of S-ethylisothiouroniumdiethylphosphate (MTR-107) for treatment of chronic or recurrent symptomatic intradialytic


Symptomatic hypotension

“The FDA’s Office of Orphan Products Development granted TrioxBio Inc. its orphan-drug designation request of S-ethylisothiouroniumdiethylphosphate (MTR-107) for treatment of chronic or recurrent symptomatic intradialytic


TrioxBio Inc., a Delaware Corporation, is a clinical-stage biotech company specializing in the development of compounds to treat diseases and medical conditions related to the pathological overproduction of Nitric Oxide (NO)-link to Nitric Oxide page. Over 100 white papers and articles have been published documenting how the overproduction of nitric oxide is linked to harmful effects on the human body and strongly believed to be responsible for numerous medical conditions, such as migraine-link to migraine section, cluster headache-link to cluster headaches section, intradialytic hypotension-link to intradialytic hypotension section and vasoplegic syndrome– link to vasoplegic syndrome section, two examples of severe hypotension-link to hypotension page. [1,2]

TrioxBio’s top candidate, S-ethylisothiouronium diethylphosphate, MTR-104, is a Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS) inhibitor which blocks the production of nitric oxide, preventing the dilation of blood vessels and the other detrimental effects caused by excessive NOS activity. Current treatments for the above-mentioned medical conditions constrict blood vessels in an uncontrolled way, rather than preventing their dilation in the first place, and thus cause hypertension. [3,4]   MTR-104 normalizes the diameter of blood vessels without the “overshooting” that results in excessive constriction and hypertension. Clinical trials in both Western and Eastern Europe have indicated that TrioxBio’s NOS inhibitor is safe and well-tolerated.




MTR 105












MTR 106












MTR 107
intradialytic hypotension)











MTR 108










